Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Troubled World in Crisis Full of Rich and Poor

  A Troubled World in Crisis
Full of Rich and Poor

By Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla.

     We are attending a scene of incredible and horrifying changes in the world-wide scene. The events that are happening during the last lustrum in the planet Earth, make us assume a deep reflection on the future of the humanity, the viability of our financial system, the deterioration of the environment and the habitability of the planet.
     We see some numbers, for example, of what I say; some data are specifically highlighted:  
     The population of our planet, according to International Programs Center of the U.S. Census Bureau, would have reached after the 16 of April of 2011, a little more 6, 912, 609, 852 peoples.
The World Bank, in its report of press, “High and Volatile Food Prices Continue to Threaten the World' s Poor”, dated the 14th of April of 2001,  esteem that there is near 1200 million people living underneath the line of the poverty, with less than USD 1,25 a day and that 44 million more of people, from June of year 2010, have been added to the extreme poverty, due to the high price of foods.
Unfortunately, approximately 360 thousand children are born every day to thicken this number of indigent.

     These numbers, before the eyes of the rest of the world, only can be described as chilling and immoral. And I describe this way, because if we added, the accumulated wealth by the 20 people who, according to Forbes, in their listing of year 2010, are richest of the world, this reaches a total of more of USD 551 thousand 100 million.

    According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) in his last report, dated in 2010, there are 215 million children, of the depressed countries, which are in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which they work like slaves, approximately 15 hours per day.

     The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the planet reached, the last year, a number of USD 72.302.635 million.

     These wealth and values, doubtlessly, better distributed, surely, would make a better planet and more enjoyable for life.

     For the 16th of April of 2011, the National Priority Project, considered, that from year 2001, with the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, the State United of America, has been spent the impressive sum of 1, 181, 160, 748, 000 of dollars. According to its data, to today, the total cost of the War that has been assigned by the American Congress is of $1,26 trillion of dollars, with $815 billion for Iraq and $445,1 billion for Afghanistan.

     The numbers of died by the wars and the social violence, generally, are difficult to obtain. But we will mention, for example, the number that the Government of Mexico considered, in the 2010, only calculated for the period of both previous years, of 28 thousand people died by the violence of the drug trafficking. The 28th of January of 2008, the ORB I publish the approximated number of 1.033.000 died in the War of Iraq.

     The cost of the combat operations of the Allies of NATO against the regime of Muammar al- Gaddafi still is about to value itself completely, but it is impressive to see flood of people fleeing in small boats or by the means found in the areas of conflict to the near Italy. In all war usually one always unties an incommensurable humanitarian crisis.

     Doubtlessly, without stopping mentioning to the Japan that a terrible loss of human lives and their native fauna has undergone, simultaneously, and the enormous damage of its economic infrastructure, due to the earthquake, the subsequent tidal wave, and the radioactive disaster of its nuclear reactors, that the world is very scrambled.

     It seems that our planet wanted to vomit to us, from Haiti to Japan.
     The capital gain of the work and the perverse interest of the capitalist, are really, the rudder directs that us to the map course by which we go.

     Apparently every day we go towards the entropy of the economic system, social, and environmental. Our planet Earth more than a safe site, has become a place, without doubt, of absolute uncertainty. But that uncertainty, lamentably, are the poor men who suffer it more in the Earth. Rich the every day they increase immoral and insensitively their wealth and the poor men seem that finally they are destined to disappear of the Earth face due to as much extreme poverty.

     Can you believe in leaders who have produced these disastrous values?

     A Spanish proverb says: “The more I know the man, the more I love my dog” But, personally I prefer to say: “The more I know the man, the more I believe in God”.

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