Friday, June 24, 2011

Geopolitics: Humankind and Future

     When British historian Arnold J. Toynbee wrote his theoretical essay on the prospects of humanity, released masterfully through his monumental work "A Study of History" written in nine volumes, he may not pondered that his conception of a central government and universal about the world and the subsequent abrogation of the borders between nations, might have been close with the creation of the Treaty on European Union, the early 90th. Imposing a new political-economic vision of transnational governments hardly homologous elsewhere in the face of the earth, which, in theory, would result in better welfare for the people who inhabited this space.
     On the other hand, theorists of Marxism, nor remained unchanged, when the decade of the 90th observed the collapse of the country that was the paradigm of the socialist achievements: Soviet Union, republics and other ethnic conglomerate very different from each other. In his treatises, plant and we expect qualitative changes in relations of production stalled. They expected the jump to the scientific community that never came. Theoretically, it was a "pas de deux" of the Marxist conceptual ballet. The October Revolution of 1917 led to quantitative growth, but the economic structure adopted, came with time itself become, in his own breeching. The Soviet people, people also wanted to feel the welfare state and the rights breathed citizens of other nations. But the collapse of the Soviet Union, broke all the schemes of the Marxists: it went from a socialist mode of production to another capitalist, virtually without bloodshed and with little or no fighting. Its political consequences on the other satellite countries were swift. Unbelievable but true!
     It was certainly a decade that had different results in global political leadership.
     I have made ​​this introduction, to emphasize the significant role played by the historical order in advance by the economic system emerged later, after years 90th, and the current crisis.
     Today, the international geopolitical dictates virtually from one side of the pulpit, made ​​by developed countries of the Group 8 (G8), and which, in turn, establish the guidelines and strategy hegemonic, almost global system of capitalist production.
     The privileges which established the European Union among its citizens, such as the abolition of borders and free movement of persons between their countries, and secret transfer of high technology, good quality of life, the possibility of convergence between their nations, economic recovery was, as said earlier approach homologous hardly anywhere else. By contrast, the vast majority of humans living outside those boundaries privileged, apparently, the G8 countries have such privileges almost forbidden.
     This European welfare state, is now beaten by the crisis that his own banking and financial institutions in an effort mercurial, a unique and dynamic financial space, created, facilitating the granting of easy credit at high risk rate with the potential return unsafe. The crisis appears to be increasingly contagious and difficult recovery. 
     Tides of young Europeans protesting an uncertain future. These events, first started in Greece. There have been loudest in Spain, with the movement of the Spanish “Indignados” (unworthy). They have been in France, Britain and Italy. They are opposed to pay some bills not consumed by political and financial mismanagement of the economic boom.
     We know that capitalism is the firmest pillar that sustains nationalist ideology. That discontent of the people by its current leaders, give rise to other protest movements of regional and national type, with the intention to continue to avoid what they consider the negative impact of globalization. This should not surprise that within this new European imperial macrostructure, fragmentations occur contrary to the unification process. Of course, it goes without saying that the current European crisis will be the biggest test of his own frailty.
     But is this shift a prelude to the historic Toynbee's predictions? Is it, perhaps, the end of ideological history that Fukuyama predicted? Maybe, we are in the "eterno ritornello" cycle of history that Nietzsche described? Others, hundreds of millions of people believe that is the prelude to the Great Tribulation and the metapsychic revelations of the apostle John and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The situation is a breeding ground for the growth of New Age cults and millenarian otherwise. Undoubtedly, all due to the great confusion that is set on the future of the individual and society. It is difficult to give a conclusive answer.
     Firmly, I have the conviction that the world today is less stable and secure, despite the strong winds blowing from a direction of economic power and more focused policy, ie, Group 8 within which is the Lord's Prayer in America. Becoming is very unpredictable now. But the hope must be that the intuition of man as an animal that is more irrational than rational, may be able to overcome the inherent illustrious intelligence we have and not have to return to the cave again.

1 comment:

  1. #spanishrevolution. Policía impide acampada contra F1 y prohibe entrada al Moneo. Europarlamentario del PP: hay que dar con la porra hasta cansarse. Unidades especiales contra la "guerrilla urbana". Por qué España no sale de la recesión. "No hay pan para tanto chorizo". ¿Pacto por el euro o para defender a la banca privada?. Indignados: avancemos hacia la Huelga General. La ruta del dinero. Marchas y bloqueos de desahucios... [Police prevents and prohibits camping against F1 and entry Moneo. EP of PP should be given to the club until you drop. Special units against the "urban guerrilla". Why Spain does not come out of recession. "There is so much sausage bread". ¿Pact for the euro or to defend the private banking?. "Indignados": move towards the General Strike. The money trail. Marches and blockades of evictions ...] Ver:
