Friday, June 24, 2011

Geopolitics: Humankind and Future

     When British historian Arnold J. Toynbee wrote his theoretical essay on the prospects of humanity, released masterfully through his monumental work "A Study of History" written in nine volumes, he may not pondered that his conception of a central government and universal about the world and the subsequent abrogation of the borders between nations, might have been close with the creation of the Treaty on European Union, the early 90th. Imposing a new political-economic vision of transnational governments hardly homologous elsewhere in the face of the earth, which, in theory, would result in better welfare for the people who inhabited this space.
     On the other hand, theorists of Marxism, nor remained unchanged, when the decade of the 90th observed the collapse of the country that was the paradigm of the socialist achievements: Soviet Union, republics and other ethnic conglomerate very different from each other. In his treatises, plant and we expect qualitative changes in relations of production stalled. They expected the jump to the scientific community that never came. Theoretically, it was a "pas de deux" of the Marxist conceptual ballet. The October Revolution of 1917 led to quantitative growth, but the economic structure adopted, came with time itself become, in his own breeching. The Soviet people, people also wanted to feel the welfare state and the rights breathed citizens of other nations. But the collapse of the Soviet Union, broke all the schemes of the Marxists: it went from a socialist mode of production to another capitalist, virtually without bloodshed and with little or no fighting. Its political consequences on the other satellite countries were swift. Unbelievable but true!
     It was certainly a decade that had different results in global political leadership.
     I have made ​​this introduction, to emphasize the significant role played by the historical order in advance by the economic system emerged later, after years 90th, and the current crisis.
     Today, the international geopolitical dictates virtually from one side of the pulpit, made ​​by developed countries of the Group 8 (G8), and which, in turn, establish the guidelines and strategy hegemonic, almost global system of capitalist production.
     The privileges which established the European Union among its citizens, such as the abolition of borders and free movement of persons between their countries, and secret transfer of high technology, good quality of life, the possibility of convergence between their nations, economic recovery was, as said earlier approach homologous hardly anywhere else. By contrast, the vast majority of humans living outside those boundaries privileged, apparently, the G8 countries have such privileges almost forbidden.
     This European welfare state, is now beaten by the crisis that his own banking and financial institutions in an effort mercurial, a unique and dynamic financial space, created, facilitating the granting of easy credit at high risk rate with the potential return unsafe. The crisis appears to be increasingly contagious and difficult recovery. 
     Tides of young Europeans protesting an uncertain future. These events, first started in Greece. There have been loudest in Spain, with the movement of the Spanish “Indignados” (unworthy). They have been in France, Britain and Italy. They are opposed to pay some bills not consumed by political and financial mismanagement of the economic boom.
     We know that capitalism is the firmest pillar that sustains nationalist ideology. That discontent of the people by its current leaders, give rise to other protest movements of regional and national type, with the intention to continue to avoid what they consider the negative impact of globalization. This should not surprise that within this new European imperial macrostructure, fragmentations occur contrary to the unification process. Of course, it goes without saying that the current European crisis will be the biggest test of his own frailty.
     But is this shift a prelude to the historic Toynbee's predictions? Is it, perhaps, the end of ideological history that Fukuyama predicted? Maybe, we are in the "eterno ritornello" cycle of history that Nietzsche described? Others, hundreds of millions of people believe that is the prelude to the Great Tribulation and the metapsychic revelations of the apostle John and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The situation is a breeding ground for the growth of New Age cults and millenarian otherwise. Undoubtedly, all due to the great confusion that is set on the future of the individual and society. It is difficult to give a conclusive answer.
     Firmly, I have the conviction that the world today is less stable and secure, despite the strong winds blowing from a direction of economic power and more focused policy, ie, Group 8 within which is the Lord's Prayer in America. Becoming is very unpredictable now. But the hope must be that the intuition of man as an animal that is more irrational than rational, may be able to overcome the inherent illustrious intelligence we have and not have to return to the cave again.

Geopolítica: Humanidad y Futuro

Por Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla
     Cuando el historiógrafo británico Arnold J. Toynbee escribió su ensayo teórico sobre las perspectivas de la humanidad, divulgado magistralmente a través de su monumental obra “A Study of History” (Un Estudio de la Historia), escrita en nueve volúmenes, quizá no ponderó que su concepción de un gobierno central y universal sobre el orbe y la subsecuente abrogación de las fronteras entre las naciones, pudo haber  estado cerca con la creación del Tratado de la Unión Europea, a principios de la década de los años 90. Se imponía una nueva visión político-económica de gobiernos transnacionales difícilmente homologable en otra parte de la faz terrestre, que, en teoría, redundaría en mejor estado de bienestar sobre los ciudadanos que habitaban este espacio.
     Por otra parte, los teóricos del Marxismo, tampoco quedaron inmutables, cuando por la misma década de los 90, observaron el desplome del país que era el paradigma de los logros socialistas: Unión Soviética, otro conglomerado de repúblicas y etnias muy distintas entre sí. En sus disquisiciones, planteaban y esperaban cambios de tipo cualitativo en unas relaciones de producción estancadas. Esperaban el salto al Comunismo Científico que nunca llegó. Teoricamente, era un “pas de deux” del ballet conceptual marxista. La Revolución de Octubre del 1917, generó crecimiento cuantitativo, pero la estructura económica adoptada,  llegó con el tiempo a convertirse en sí misma, en su propia retranca. El pueblo soviético, la gente, quería también sentir el estado de bienestar y los derechos que respiraban los ciudadanos de otras naciones. Pero, el desmoronamiento de la Unión Soviética, rompió todos los esquemas de los marxistas: se pasó de un modo de producción socialista a otro capitalista, prácticamente, sin derramamiento de sangre y con muy poca o ninguna lucha armada. Sus consecuencias políticas sobre los otros países satélites no se hicieron esperar. ¡Increíble, pero cierto!    
     Fue, indudablemente, una década que tuvo resultados distintos en la dirección política mundial.
     He hecho esta introducción, para enfatizar la importancia que ha tenido el orden histórico previo, en el sistema económico surgido posteriormente,  después de los años 90, y la crisis actual.
     Hoy, la geopolítica internacional se dicta, prácticamente, desde un solo y único púlpito, constituido por los países industrializados del Grupo 8 (G8), y, que,  a su vez, establecen la directriz y la estrategia hegemónica, casi global del sistema de producción capitalista.
     Las prerrogativas que establecía la Unión Europea entre sus ciudadanos, tales, como la derogación de fronteras y la libre circulación de personas entre sus países, la transferencia de alta y secreta tecnología, buena calidad de vida, la posibilidad de convergencia y rescate económicos entre sus naciones, era, como dije al principio, un enfoque difícilmente homologable en otro sitio. Por el contrario, la inmensa mayoría de los seres humanos que habitan fuera de esas fronteras privilegiadas, en apariencia, de los países del G8, tienen esos privilegios casi vedados.
     Ese estado de bienestar europeo, hoy es golpeado por la crisis, que sus mismas instituciones bancarias y financieras, en el afán mercurial, de un espacio financiero único y dinámico, crearon, facilitando el otorgamiento del crédito fácil y de alto riesgo con posibilidades de retorno poco seguras. La crisis aparenta cada vez más contagiosa y difícil la recuperación.  
     Mareas de jóvenes europeos protestan un porvenir incierto. Estas manifestaciones, primero empezaron en Grecia. Se han hecho más sonoras en España, con el movimiento de los Indignados. Se han sentido también en Francia, Gran Bretaña e Italia. Ellos se oponen a pagar unas facturas no consumidas por un mal manejo político-financiero de la bonanza económica.
     Sabemos que el capitalismo es el más firme pilar sobre el que se sostiene la ideología nacionalista. Ese descontento del pueblo por sus actuales líderes, dará origen a otros movimientos reivindicativos de corte comarcales, regionalistas y nacionalistas, con la intención de continuar evitando lo que consideran la influencia negativa de la globalización. Así, no debe de extrañar que dentro de esa nueva macro-estructura imperial europea, se produzcan fragmentaciones contrarias al proceso de unificación. Desde luego, huelga decir que la actual situación de crisis europea, será la mayor prueba de su propia fragilidad.
     Pero, ¿es este giro el preludio de los vaticinios históricos de Toynbee? ¿Es, acaso, el fin de la historia ideológica que vaticinaba Fukuyama? ¿Quizá, estemos en el “eterno ritornello” del ciclo de la historia que describía Nietzsche? Otros, cientos de millones de personas, creen que es el preludio de La Gran Tribulación y de las revelaciones metapsíquicas del apóstol Juan y del segundo advenimiento de Jesucristo. La situación es un caldo de cultivo también para el crecimiento de sectas milenarista del New Age y de otra índole. Indudablemente, todo es debido a la  gran confusión que se establece sobre el devenir del individuo y de la sociedad. Es difícil dar una respuesta concluyente.
     Firmemente, tengo la convicción de que el mundo, hoy, es menos estable y seguro; a pesar de que los vientos fuertes soplan desde una dirección de poder económico y política más centrada; es decir, del Grupo 8, dentro del cual está el Padre Nuestro de Norteamérica. El devenir es muy impredecible ahora. Pero, debe tenerse la esperanza de que la intuición del hombre, como animal que tiene más de irracional que de racional, pueda ser capaz de superar la ínclita e inherente inteligencia que poseemos y no tengamos que regresar a las cavernas otra vez.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Troubled World in Crisis Full of Rich and Poor

  A Troubled World in Crisis
Full of Rich and Poor

By Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla.

     We are attending a scene of incredible and horrifying changes in the world-wide scene. The events that are happening during the last lustrum in the planet Earth, make us assume a deep reflection on the future of the humanity, the viability of our financial system, the deterioration of the environment and the habitability of the planet.
     We see some numbers, for example, of what I say; some data are specifically highlighted:  
     The population of our planet, according to International Programs Center of the U.S. Census Bureau, would have reached after the 16 of April of 2011, a little more 6, 912, 609, 852 peoples.
The World Bank, in its report of press, “High and Volatile Food Prices Continue to Threaten the World' s Poor”, dated the 14th of April of 2001,  esteem that there is near 1200 million people living underneath the line of the poverty, with less than USD 1,25 a day and that 44 million more of people, from June of year 2010, have been added to the extreme poverty, due to the high price of foods.
Unfortunately, approximately 360 thousand children are born every day to thicken this number of indigent.

     These numbers, before the eyes of the rest of the world, only can be described as chilling and immoral. And I describe this way, because if we added, the accumulated wealth by the 20 people who, according to Forbes, in their listing of year 2010, are richest of the world, this reaches a total of more of USD 551 thousand 100 million.

    According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) in his last report, dated in 2010, there are 215 million children, of the depressed countries, which are in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which they work like slaves, approximately 15 hours per day.

     The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the planet reached, the last year, a number of USD 72.302.635 million.

     These wealth and values, doubtlessly, better distributed, surely, would make a better planet and more enjoyable for life.

     For the 16th of April of 2011, the National Priority Project, considered, that from year 2001, with the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, the State United of America, has been spent the impressive sum of 1, 181, 160, 748, 000 of dollars. According to its data, to today, the total cost of the War that has been assigned by the American Congress is of $1,26 trillion of dollars, with $815 billion for Iraq and $445,1 billion for Afghanistan.

     The numbers of died by the wars and the social violence, generally, are difficult to obtain. But we will mention, for example, the number that the Government of Mexico considered, in the 2010, only calculated for the period of both previous years, of 28 thousand people died by the violence of the drug trafficking. The 28th of January of 2008, the ORB I publish the approximated number of 1.033.000 died in the War of Iraq.

     The cost of the combat operations of the Allies of NATO against the regime of Muammar al- Gaddafi still is about to value itself completely, but it is impressive to see flood of people fleeing in small boats or by the means found in the areas of conflict to the near Italy. In all war usually one always unties an incommensurable humanitarian crisis.

     Doubtlessly, without stopping mentioning to the Japan that a terrible loss of human lives and their native fauna has undergone, simultaneously, and the enormous damage of its economic infrastructure, due to the earthquake, the subsequent tidal wave, and the radioactive disaster of its nuclear reactors, that the world is very scrambled.

     It seems that our planet wanted to vomit to us, from Haiti to Japan.
     The capital gain of the work and the perverse interest of the capitalist, are really, the rudder directs that us to the map course by which we go.

     Apparently every day we go towards the entropy of the economic system, social, and environmental. Our planet Earth more than a safe site, has become a place, without doubt, of absolute uncertainty. But that uncertainty, lamentably, are the poor men who suffer it more in the Earth. Rich the every day they increase immoral and insensitively their wealth and the poor men seem that finally they are destined to disappear of the Earth face due to as much extreme poverty.

     Can you believe in leaders who have produced these disastrous values?

     A Spanish proverb says: “The more I know the man, the more I love my dog” But, personally I prefer to say: “The more I know the man, the more I believe in God”.

Un Mundo Convulso y en Crisis, Cargado de ricos y pobres.

Un Mundo Convulso y en Crisis,

cargado de ricos y pobres.

Por Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla.

     Estamos asistiendo a un escenario de increíbles y espeluznantes cambios en el escenario mundial. Los acontecimientos que están sucediendo durante el último lustro en el planeta Tierra, nos hacen asumir una profunda reflexión sobre el futuro de la humanidad, la viabilidad de nuestro sistema financiero, el deterioro del medioambiente y la habitabilidad del planeta.
     Veamos algunas cifras, verbigracia, de lo que digo; algunos datos los he subrayado expresamente:
     La población de nuestro planeta, según International Programs Center del U.S. Census Bureau, habría alcanzado para el 16 de Abril de 2011, algo más de 6, 912, 609, 852 habitantes.
     El Banco Mundial, en su informe de prensa, fechado el 14 de abril de 2001, “High and Volatile Food Prices Continue to Threaten the World’s Poor”, estima que hay cerca  de 1200 millones de gentes viviendo debajo de la línea de la pobreza, con menos de 1.25 dólares americanos por día y que 44 millones más de personas, desde junio del año 2010, se han sumado a la pobreza extrema, debido al alto precio de los alimentos. Penosamente, aproximadamente 360 mil niños nacen cada día para engrosar este número de indigentes.

     Estas cifras, ante los ojos del resto del mundo, solamente pueden ser calificadas de escalofriantes e inmorales. Y las califico de esta manera, porque si sumamos, las riquezas acumuladas por las 20 personas que, según Forbes, en su listado del año 2010, son las más ricas del mundo, esto alcanza un total de más de USD 551 mil 100 millones.

    Según la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) en su último informe, fechado en 2010, hay 215 millones de niños, de los países deprimidos, los cuales están en Asia, África y América Latina, que trabajan como esclavos, aproximadamente unas 15 horas diarias.

     El PIB (PPA) del planeta alcanzó, el año pasado, una cifra de USD 72.302.635 millones.

     Estas riquezas y valores, indudablemente, mejor distribuidos, con seguridad, harían un mundo mucho mejor y agradable para la vida.

     Para el 16 de abril de 2011, el National Priority Project, estimaba, que desde el año 2001, con las guerras de Afganistán e Irak, los Estado Unidos de América, se han gastado la impresionante suma de 1, 181, 160, 748, 000 de dólares. Según sus datos, al día de hoy, el coste total de la Guerra que ha sido asignado por el Congreso Americano es de  $1.26 trilliones de dólares, con $815 billiones para Irak y $445.1 billiones para Afghanistan.

     Las cifras de muertos por las guerras y la violencia social, en general, son difíciles de obtener. Pero mencionaremos, por ejemplo, la cifra que el Gobierno de México estimó, en el 2010, calculada solamente para el período de los dos años previos, de 28 mil personas muertas por la violencia del narcotráfico. El 28 de enero de 2008, la ORB publico la cifra aproximada de 1.033.000 muertos en la Guerra de Irak.

     El coste de las operaciones militares de los Aliados de la OTAN contra el régimen de Gadafi aún está por valorarse en forma definitiva, pero es impresionante ver la riada de gente que escapa en pateras o por los medios que encuentran de aquella zona de conflicto hacia la vecina Italia. En toda guerra se suele desatar siempre una crisis humanitaria inconmensurable.

     Indudablemente, sin dejar de mencionar al Japón que ha sufrido una pérdida terrible de vidas humanas y de su fauna nativa, a la vez, y el enorme daño de su infraestructura económica, fruto del terremoto, el subsecuente maremoto, y el desastre radioactivo de sus reactores nucleares, que el mundo está muy revuelto.

     Parece que nuestro planeta quisiera vomitarnos, desde Haití hasta el Japón.
     La plusvalía del trabajo y el interés perverso del capitalista, son en definitiva, el timón que nos dirige al derrotero por el que vamos.

     Parece ser que cada día vamos hacia la entropía del sistema económico, social, y ambiental. Nuestro planeta Tierra más que un sitio seguro, se ha convertido en un lugar, sin lugar a dudas, de absoluta incertidumbre. Pero esa incertidumbre, lamentablemente, la padecen más los pobres de la Tierra. Los ricos cada día aumentan inmoral e inmisericordemente sus riquezas y los pobres parece que finalmente están destinados a desaparecer de la faz de la tierra debido a tanta pobreza extrema.

     ¿Se ha de cree en unos líderes políticos que han producido estos valores desastrosos?

     Un refrán español dice: “Mientras más conozco al hombre, más quiero a mi perro”. Pero, personalmente prefiero decir: “Mientras más conozco al hombre, más creo en Dios”.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Juan Isidro Jiménez Grullón The posthumous forgetfulness of a political and intellectual legacy.

Juan Isidro Jiménez Grullón
The posthumous forgetfulness of a political and intellectual legacy. 
 By Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla
Juan Isidro Jiménez Grullón was born in the dawn of century XX, more indeed, the 17 of June of 1903, in the city of Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic. Her family was of very good economic position and social root for the time; himself describes to his parents in an interview who did in Cultural Supplement of the newspaper La Noticia, in 1981, like “two good bourgeois” (1). If they were two good bourgeois or no, it is not the objective of this article. But it is known of that they know the Dominican History  that the development of the bourgeoisie in the Dominican republic, begins with the coming of the dictatorship of Trujillo and the nationalization of the industries that establish the North Americans in the country.
Anyway, the good position, prestige and social root of his family, influence in the formation of the temperamental revolutionary and intellectual solid that was.

It leaves his studies of the of a lawyer carrer due to his passion towards the philosophical one, to go out to Paris, to study Medicine, in the Sorbona, pressed by his parents (2). He garduated of doctor in the 1929.
It has spent just three or four years, he is returning from France to Santo Domingo, when in 1934, the government of the dictator Trujillo caught him in a plot. He is arrested and goes into an exile that will last 26 years. (2).
During his exile, in Cuba, he mainly took care to organize the resistance against the tyranny of Trujillo. Founde, in 1941, with other illustrious Dominican fighters, between which they are Juan Bosch Gaviño, Angel Miolán, the Dominican Revolutionary Party (2).
But Juan Isidro, is not only a fighter, but he takes active part in the armed expedition, in the year 1959, in Constanza, Maimón and Estero Hondo, to overthrow the regime of Dominican tyrant dictator (2).

But all the ostracism was not surrounded in the fight by the freedom of the mother country, but there was also time to know the love. He initiates an enthusiastic idyll, in Puerto Rico, towards the 1938, with which she has been the greatest poetess that was born in Puerto Rico, during the Century XX, Julia Burgos (1). She was inspired by the figure of Juan Isidro to compose her better poems including “Song of the simple truth” (1).
Juan Isidro, breaks during his exile in New York his first marriage with the French Ivonne Julia. Later, he married again, in 1944, with Amada Maria Sabater Rosales (3), with whom had his first son the poet Leon David.

    Julia Burgos and Juan Isidro Jiménez Grullón

This admirable and anxious intellectual and fighter, possibly committed a serious error of political apreciaciación and historical when with his acute critics he favors the coup d'etat to Juan Bosch, to the rupture of the Dominican democracy with the overthrow of the first freely elect president of the Dominican Republic, although Juan Isidro Jiménez did not support it (4). He was always an adversary of Bosch by political reasons.
But I have here, that as a result of the events, not only in the Dominican Republic, but in the whole Ibero-America, I like much more this term than that the one of Latin America, for diverse historical reasons, the political thought of Juan Isidro Jiménez Grullón, gives a radical and systematic, gradual but maintained turn, to embrace the Marxism-Leninism and to separate from the theoretical conceptions of the bourgeoisie (4) (5) (6). Already in 1968, he declared himself frankly Marxist.  He made his ideological conversion towards the dialectic materialism, many years before than did it Bosch.
It is, in this period, when the acute and shining thought of Jiménez Grullón creates his better intellectual contributions for the study of the Dominican social reality, with his masterpiece work Dominican Political Sociology, in three volumes, the Myth of the Parents of the Country, and Our False Left, between tens of written essays and other books.
Of his prolific bibliography, we will mention those that follow:
We fight by our America, 1936.
Contemporary ideas and political doctrines. Puerto Rico: Graphical factories Marry Baldrich, 1939.
The Dominican Republic. Analysis and their passed present and. Havana: Printer Arellano and company, 1940.
One gestapo in America, 1946.
Six Cuban poets. Havana: Editorial Chromiums, 1954.
Besides Ortega and Gasset. Merida, Venezuela: Publisher of the University of Los Andes, 1959.
The philosophy of Jose Martí, 1960. Medicine and Culture, 1961.
The Dominican Republic: a fiction. Merida, Venezuela: University Graphical factories, 1965.
Dialectic Biology, 1968.
Anti Sábato. Maracaibo: University of Zulia, 1968.
Pedro Henríquez Ureña: reality and myth. Santo Domingo: Dominican bookstore, 1969.
The problematic of Latin American college student, 1970.
The Myth of the Parents of the Mother country, 1971.
Latin America and the Socialist Revolution. Santo Domingo: Dominican Cultural publisher 1971.
Dominican political sociology. Santo Domingo: Publishing Alpha and Omega, [v. 1, 1974, v. 2, 1975, v. 3, 1980].
John Bartlow Martin, a proconsul of the Yankee Empire, 1977.
Our False Left, 1978 (1).

The academic Alberto L. Merani, of the Institute of Psychology of Venezuela, writes about of his style with “the fecundity of the dialectic approach… he reprents the satisfaction to feel propped up us by its great knowledge… the breath of a conviction that is not common” (Prolog of Dialectic Biology of loa Andes, University of the $andes, Merida, Venezuela, 1968).
The historian Julio Genaro Campillo Perez, writes about him, in the prolog to the work of Jiménez Grullón, the Myth of the Parents of the Mother country, describing him as being “one of the fecund pens whereupon he today tells vigorous to the Dominican culture… and prolific combative intellectual… by temperament and revolutionary by conviction… ready to found theories, to sustain innovations and to destroy myths… in policy, economy, sociology and history”. In addition Campillo Perez writes: “…he with an amazing facility to write, a vast formidable erudicción and a dialectic one” (4).
With all these intellectual contributions to the Dominican reality, nowadays, it seems to be forgetting or condemning to the ostracism of the new generations and the society of the Dominican ones.
Several hypothetical factors could be emitted that have contributed to this lamentable forgetfulness. First, his contibutory role to the historical error of the 1963, which led to the coup d’etat, and later his political enemies handling made of it. Secondly, that the vast culture shown in the sharpness of his anális and literary contributions, would not make it reasonable and intelligible for the heap of the mean level of many intellectuals of the Dominican Republic as well as for the people. Third party, the deterioration of the noble values and the rise, in Santo Domingo, of certain tendency towards the entropy of the culture, the disorganization of the state. Quarter, that doubtlessly, the social class bourgeois, to which many intellectuals aspire to enter, and even the same oligarchy, to whom he belonged, has not pardoned him their vindication of the Marxism-Leninism and his iconoclastic position about badly founded values of the Nation by tradition and that, he until described to the Dominican left, as puerile. He always postulated the infantilism of the left like main cause of which this did not have a greater cohesion, development and root in the mass of the Dominican workers.
According to his son, poet Leon David, he was not an practical politician, he was essentially a theoretician. “Everything what he thought and believed he spoked, people realized of that, for that reason he could not be a good politician, that he must put a face and think another thing, everything he felt, everything he transmitted ” (3).